high-level language - meaning and definition. What is high-level language
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What (who) is high-level language - definition

VHLPL; Very High Level Programming Language; Goal-oriented programming language; VHLL; Very high-level language; Very high level programming language

high-level language      
(HLL) A programming language which provides some level of abstraction above assembly language. These normally use statements consisting of English-like keywords such as "FOR", "PRINT" or "GOTO", where each statement corresponds to several machine language instructions. It is much easier to program in a high-level language than in assembly language though the efficiency of execution depends on how good the compiler or interpreter is at optimising the program. Rarely, the variants "VHLL" and "MLL" are found. See also languages of choice, generation. (1994-12-07)
High-Level Shader Language         
  • reflection]] of the water in the foreground are added by a shader applied finally to the entire scene.
Cg Programming Language; High-Level Shading Language; HLSL; Shader Model 3; Shader model 3; Shader model 3.0; Shader Model 3.0; Shader Model 2.0; Shader model 2.0; Shader model 2; Shader Model 2; Shader Model; Shader model; Cg programming language; Shader Model 2.x; Shader model 4.0; C for graphics; Shader Model 4; Shader Model 4.0; Hlsl; High Level Shader Language; High-level shader language; High Level Shading Language; DirectX Intermediate Language; DirectX Bytecode
The High-Level Shader Language or High-Level Shading Language (HLSL) is a proprietary shading language developed by Microsoft for the Direct3D 9 API to augment the shader assembly language, and went on to become the required shading language for the unified shader model of Direct3D 10 and higher.
Very high-level programming language         
A very high-level programming language (VHLL) is a programming language with a very high level of abstraction, used primarily as a professional programmer productivity tool.


Very high-level programming language

A very high-level programming language (VHLL) is a programming language with a very high level of abstraction, used primarily as a professional programmer productivity tool.

VHLLs are usually domain-specific languages, limited to a very specific application, purpose, or type of task, and they are often scripting languages (especially extension languages), controlling a specific environment. For this reason, very high-level programming languages are often referred to as goal-oriented programming languages.

The term VHLL was used in the 1990s for what are today more often called high-level programming languages (not "very") used for scripting, such as Perl, Python, php, Ruby, and Visual Basic.

Pronunciation examples for high-level language
1. towards high level languages.
A History of The ARM Microprocessor _ Dave Jaggar _ Talks at Google
2. these high-level languages that can be compiled.
3. and in a high-level language, you'll describe that cell phone.
4. The important thing is we can write it in a high-level language.
Examples of use of high-level language
1. One suspects that all this high–level language is probably a long way from the pre–occupations of ordinary Iraqis.